Teen Fat Loss!!!

{June 16, 2011}   Answer: SAT Question of the Day
WAITTTTTT. You’re looking for the answer to the question below, right? Okay, just making sure.

Natalie’s _________ diet compelled her to count portions and cut calories. 

a) corrosive

b) abstemious

c) voluptuous

d) voluble

e) palatable

Now here’s the answer:

(b) abstemious 

‘Abstemious’ means ‘sparing or moderate in eating and drinking’. If Natalie is eating moderate portions, it means that she’s eating sparingly and in moderation.

This question teaches you Fat Loss 101. Cut calories and cut portions and you’ll lose fat. Guaranteed. This is the first step for anyone trying to lose fat.

Why don’t the other options work out?

(a) Corrosive means ‘harmful‘ or ‘destructive‘. Moderation does not equal destruction.

(c) Voluptuous means ‘suggesting sensual delights‘. No comment.

(d) Voluble means ‘fluent’. It doesn’t mean having a lot of volume like I thought, lol. If only food could be fluent.

(e) Palatable means ‘tasty’ and ‘savory’. As much as we like it, moderation does not (always) mean tasty.

So there we go, be abstemious and lose fat!

Here’s a question for you, can being abstemious help you gain muscle? 


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