Teen Fat Loss!!!

Today, I went through a random browse of Yahoo! Answers to find a common question unanswered on my blog. What I found was this:

“Everytime I see food, I mean visually see it I eat it. Unless it’s on the floor or something. I eat it even when I’m not hungry or just finished a meal. I’m not super fat but I’m slightly over weight. I excersise everyday for an hour but every time I see food I just eat it. I don’t really eat when I’m bored, not compulsive eating. But when I see it I have to eat it and finish it when I’m alone. how do I stop from eating it even if I see it?”

The details made me think, “I sort of get how he/she feels”. I mean, especially after a workout. If there’s no protein shake, then there’s always some (horrible) treat to discover. Food is tasty. Food is gorgeous. Food is food.

So what do you do when you come across something you swore off (at least for the next 24 hours)?

You turn away.

Ha, ha? Nope. I wasn’t joking. You just turn away. If you truly, truly want to lose weight, then nothing in the world can stop you. It’s the choice between instant gratification and long-term gratification. You have to make the right choice.

If you’re with a group of friends, then your real best friend is an excuse.

“Man, I’m really full after that salad. I just wanted to try it. I never thought I’d feel so full!”

“Darn. No. Sorry. Bloated”

Or if you don’t care, then “Don’t ruin my diet! *wink*”

Or if you’re religious, then “I’m fasting today, guys!”

Excuses are cool. They work like a charm (just stay consistent). If you’re friends aren’t the type to understand, then you have full rights to get creative.

But when you’re on your own, then think, “What do I want more? The stupid cake or the hot body?”

If you act before you think, then just turn away. When I think of junk foods that I told myself I won’t eat, I always remember Bella (Twilight).


When she turns into a vampire and first encounters human beings, she remembers what she wants more. Then she turns around and runs (pretty much flies) away.

et cetera